Thursday, August 16, 2007

Yellow Lily Pieces...

Ever have a funny connection about your artwork noted by someone else? Something that made you then relook at what you had created and go hmmmmm... who would've thought? I had created a yellow chunky set of jewelry using the faux turquoise tutorial. Instead of the obvious turquoise colors I opted for multiple yellows with copper acrylic paint for the 'crackle' effect. I really liked how the set came out and am curious to try different color combinations.
My father had come over to the studio to see what I was in the midst of creating and when he spotted this set of beads he made the connection with the little yellow water lilies that are abundant in our stretch of the Hudson River. So I found a photo for comparison... what do you think?


Mel said...

Sara, I've finally popped you in my google reader, makes it so much easier to kepp up to date. I love the effect you created using the turquoise tute but with different colours...thinking outside the box there! Fabulous!


Katie said...

I love these. They are so bright and cheery!!!